How to List Files Using Exa Command line File Lister

Exa is a free and open source command line file lister for Linux and MacOS. You can use as a modern replacement for ls command. It comes with colours in output, viewing the Git status for a directory, recursing into directories with a tree view, supports symlinks and extended attributes, queries files in parallel, hierarchy file information, wide view and many more. It is written in Rust and released under MIT License.

Exa list tool

Download Exa

How to Install exa on Ubuntu

You can install exa from the Ubuntu repository. Open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below exa install command. It will install the latest version of exa on your system.

sudo sudo apt install exa -y

After the successful installation of exa, run below command in the terminal. It will list the contents of the current directory in a grid.


Some examples:

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List a tree of files, 3 levels deep with metadata

exa --long --tree --level=3

Exa tree view

Displays a table of files with a header, file metadata, inode, and Git status.

exa --long --header --inode --git

List of files with the largest at the top

exa --oneline --reverse --sort=size

Exa sort command

For the complete usage details run below command.

man exa
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