How to install Winamp Webamp on Ubuntu

Webamp is a free and open source audio player for Windows, MacOS and Linux. It is a re implementation of old Winamp 2.9 skin and based on HTML5 and JavaScript browser based Webamp. This new winamp on desktop looks and feels just like the original Winamp software. It comes with Full playback support and a working equalizer just like the old winamp. You can import and export your EQ settings in this webamp. It comes with skin support also. You can the skin by dragging .wsz skin onto the main window. It is released under MIT license.

Winamp Webamp

Download Winamp Webamp [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Install Webamp on desktop on Ubuntu

You can install this Webamp on your Ubuntu via portable AppImage and native .deb file. Go to the above Webamp on desktop download link and download the latest version in .AppImage file format. Save it on your Downloads folder.

Open the terminal app (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run the below command to go to your download location.

cd Downloads

Then run this command and it needed enter your Ubuntu password.

sudo chmod +x ~ webamp-desktop-0.3.0-x86_64.AppImage

Note: The download file name is “webamp-desktop-0.3.0-x86_64.AppImage” Based on your filename and location you can change the above and below commands.

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After that run this command to start Webamp on desktop on your Ubuntu system.

sudo ./webamp-desktop-0.3.0-x86_64.AppImage

Accept the license terms and click yes to integrate Webamp on desktop with to your Ubuntu shortcut to launch next time easily.

Winamp Webamp terms

Winamp Webamp integration

Install Webamp on Desktop via DEB:

It is also available as deb package file. so you can install it on Ubuntu via this. Download Webamp on desktop in .deb file from the above download link. In the terminal app (ctrl+Alt+T) and run below command.

Here “webamp-desktop_0.3.0_amd64.deb” is the downloaded file name. you can change according to yours.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/webamp-desktop_0.3.0_amd64.deb


sudo apt install ./Downloads/webamp*.deb

If you prefer the web version then use the below link.

Webamp [Web Version – Edge, Firefox, Safari and Chrome]

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