How to install Pastel Color Tool on Ubuntu

Pastel is a free and open source command-line color tool for Linux. Using this you can manipulate colors, generate colors, analyze colors in your terminal and convert colors from one format to another. Some of the main features are many different color formats support and it also supports color spaces like RGB (sRGB), HSL, CIELAB, CIELCh as well as ANSI 8-bit and 24-bit. It is released under Apache License, Version 2.0 license.

Install Pastel Color Tool on Ubuntu:

Pastel deb package files are available for Ubuntu. Go to the Pastel Color Tool download page and download the latest version .deb file for your version of ubuntu.

Download Pastel Color Tool

Open your Terminal (ctrl+Atl+T) app and run the below command to navigate to Downloads folder.Here my download location is Downloads folder. You can change the below command according to your download location.

cd Downloads

Then run the below command in terminal. If needed type your Ubuntu password.Here the downloaded file name is “pastel_0.6.1_amd64.deb” .You can change the below command according to your file name.

sudo dpkg -i pastel_0.6.1_amd64.deb

Then run the below command.

sudo apt-get install -f

Type y and hit enter to confirm the installation, if it ask. For usage help run the below command.



If you want to convert hex value 238DF5 in RBG, the run the command.

pastel format rgb 238DF5

Run the below command to show and analyze color #238DF5.

pastel color "rgb(35, 141, 245)"


pastel color "#238DF5"

To get a name of the color #238DF5.

pastel format name 238DF5

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