How to install StepMania on Ubuntu – Dance & Rhythm game

StepMania is a free and open source dance rhythm game for Linux, macOS and Windows. It is released under the MIT License. You can play this game with common key-based rhythm game formats, keyboard and dance pad controllers. You can extend and customize its features with add-ons and themes. you can also create your own simfiles/songs using build in integrated editor. Some of the important features are real time lyrics, dancing characters, multiple arrow types and Background animations support. It supports SSC, SM, DWI, JSON, BMS/PMS, KSF and SMA file formats for chart data.

StepMania system requirements:

1 GB of RAM
700MHz Multi-core processor
16-bit color, 128MB video RAM and OpenGL 2.1 or higher Video card
DirectX 9.0 or later (Windows only)
Linux/ Windows 7+/ Mac OS X 10.6+

Install StepMania on Ubuntu:

You can install the latest development version of StepMania via flatpak. For that you need to install and setup flatpak on your your Ubuntu system first. Follow the below tutorial link to install the flatpak on Ubuntu.

How to install flatpak on ubuntu:

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After the installation of flatpak in you Ubuntu, Open your terminal app (Ctrl+Atl+T) and run the below command

flatpak install flathub com.stepmania.StepMania

During the installation press y and enter when it asked to confirm the installation. It will install StepMania Dance & Rhythm game on your Ubuntu system. you can run StepMania Dance & Rhythm game by running the below command in terminal.

flatpak run com.stepmania.StepMania

Install stable version of StepMania on Ubuntu: (version 5.0.12 – Aug 2016)

You can install the stable version via this unofficial PPA.

Open terminal app (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the below command and hit the enter key.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kakurasan/stepmania5

Type your Ubuntu password if needed and hit the ENTER key to confirm the addition of StepMania PPA on your system. Then run this command to update your package list on ubuntu system.

sudo apt-get update

Then run,

sudo apt-get install stepmania

That’s all.

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