Netron Neural Network Deep and Machine Learning Model Viewer

Netron is a free and open source viewer application for Linux, Windows and MacOS. Using Netron, you can view deep learning, machine learning and neural network models in your system. It supports ONNX, TensorFlow Lite, Caffe, Keras, Darknet, PaddlePaddle, ncnn, MNN, Core ML, RKNN, MXNet, MindSpore Lite, TNN, Barracuda, Tengine, CNTK, TensorFlow.js, Caffe2, UFF, PyTorch, TensorFlow, TorchScript, OpenVINO, Torch, Vitis AI, Arm NN, BigDL, Chainer, Deeplearning4j, MediaPipe, ML.NET and scikit-learn file types. It is released under open source MIT License.


Download Netron

Install Netron on Ubuntu Linux

Netron is available as portable AppImage and snap file formats. Download Netron in .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Open the terminal software (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands one by one.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ Netron-5.3.7.AppImage

Here “Netron-5.3.7.AppImage” is the downloaded file name. You can change the above command based on your downloaded file name.


You can use below TensorFlow sample file to view the data.

Also Read:  How to Create Web Archives with Archives Application

Download TensorFlow smple

Install Netron via Snap:

You can also install Netron via below snap command on terminal.

sudo snap install netron

You can also uninstall Netron via below command.

sudo snap remove netron

That’s all.

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