Ksirk Risk Strategy Game

KsirK is a free and open source strategic game for Linux. It is a computerized version of strategic board game Risk. In this game you need to attack your neighbor countries with your armies and conquer the world. It is released under GNU General Public License v2.0. You can play with computer or with 6 players and play over a network option also available. You can also create new skins and install new skins in this game.



Install Ksirk on Ubuntu Linux

Ksirk is available as a snap package for Ubuntu Linux. Open the terminal command-line app and run below Ksirk snap install command. It will install the stable version of Ksirk on your system.

sudo snap install ksirk

You can also install the release candidate version of Ksirk via below command.

sudo snap install ksirk --candidate

After the installation run below command in terminal to start Ksirk game.


Game play is easy just go to New Game, then choose the skin, how much players and choose the type of game. After that choose the nationality and name of local players.

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At the beginning each country contain one army. Then you need to distribute armies to countries. On each turn, each player can attack his enemy neighbor country. That’s it now play.

If you want to uninstall Ksirk, then use below command.

sudo snap remove ksirk
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