How to install iRASPA Molecular Visualizer & editor on Ubuntu

iRASPA is a free molecular visualizer & editor for Linux, MacOS and Windows. It is best and useful software for materials scientists. It is released under The MIT License. It supports metals, metal-oxides, ceramics, biomaterials, zeolites, clays, and metal-organic frameworks and more. It containing more than 8000 structures CoRE Metal-Organic Frameworks databases.

Using iRASPA, you can create and edit structures, pictures and movies. It also comes with ambient occlusion, high-dynamic range rendering, adsorption surfaces, text-annotation, cell replicas and supercells. It supports cylinders, spheres, and polygonal prisms and symmetry operations. Supported input formats are CIF, mmCIF, PDB, XYZ and VASP POSCAR/CONTCAR/XDATCAR. Supported output formats are CIF-, 8/16 bits, RGB/CMYK, loss-less TIFF for pictures and mp4 (h264) for movies.

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Install iRASPA on Ubuntu

You can install iRASPA Molecular Visualizer & editor via snap package manager.Open your terminal software (ctrl+alt+t) and run this iRASPA snap installation command.

sudo snap install iraspa

Then enter your Ubuntu user password. You can start iRASPA Molecular Visualizer & editor on Ubuntu by using this command in terminal.


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