How to install Taskbook on Ubuntu

Best command-line Task Management & Note Taking app

Taskbook is a free and open source task management & note taking app for Linux, MacOS and Windows. This is a simple but powerful command-line terminal app where you can manage your tasks and notes across multiple board. You can view the tasks and note in board & timeline views. You can configurable Taskbook app through ~/.taskbook.json file and the data stored in JSON file at ~/.taskbook/storage file. Some of the important features are atomic storage, task Priority, task favorite, Search & filter task and notes, you can restore deleted tasks and notes. It is released under MIT license.

Install Taskbook Task Management & Note Taking app on Ubuntu:

You can install Taskbook Task Management & Note Taking app via snap and node package manager on Ubuntu.

Install Taskbook via snap:

Open your terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run this Taskbook snap installation command.

sudo snap install taskbook

Enter your Ubuntu password. This will install the latest taskbook on your Ubuntu system.

Install Taskbook via npm:

First you need to install node and npm on Ubuntu . Please follow the below installation tutorial link.

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How to install Node.js and npm using NVM on Ubuntu

Then run this command to install Taskbook node package.

npm install --global taskbook

Taskbook Usage:

You can list all your task via below command.


To create task

tb --task First Task

complete list:

tb                    Display board view
tb –archive    Display archived items
tb –begin       Start/pause task
tb –check       Check/uncheck task
tb –clear        Delete all checked items
tb –copy        Copy item description
tb –delete      Delete item
tb –edit          Edit item description
tb –find         Search for items
tb –help        Display help message
tb –list          List items by attributes
tb –move      Move item between boards
tb –note        Create note
tb –priority   Update priority of task
tb –restore    Restore items from archive
tb –star         Star/unstar item
tb –task        Create task
tb –timeline   Display timeline view
tb –version    Display installed version

tb --help
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