How to Control Your Computer Fan in Ubuntu

Fan-control is a free and open source computer fan management application for Linux and Windows. With fan-control you can control your pc or laptop system fans based on custom behaviors and it shows all sensor data on the real time. You can also set the update delay and change to the dark theme. It is written in Rust and released under MIT license.


Download Fan-control [Linux, Windows]

Install fan-control on Ubuntu

You can install Fan-control using below flatpak install command. If you don’t have then first install flatpak and flathub using below link and restart your system after the installation.

Install flatpak and flathub

flatpak install flathub

Then install lm-sensors to detect the maximum number of sensors

sudo apt install lm-sensors

Then run below command to run hardware detection script.

sudo sensors-detect

udev allows normal user to access devices, without giving them sudo permission. In the terminal app run below commands one by one.

sudo mv 60-fan-control.rules /usr/lib/udev/rules.d
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

After the successful installation of fan control app, run it using below command.

flatpak run

You can add items with the buttons on the right of the app and modify the value of a fan, you must select it in a Control item (the left column), select a Behavior, and activate the switch. You can also uninstall the app using below command.

flatpak uninstall
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