How to Browse Stack Overflow From Command line Using SoCLI

SoCLI is a free and open source Stack Overflow command line application for Linux, Windows and MacOS. Using SoCLI you can search and browse Stack Overflow website in your terminal application. It is written in python and released under BSD 3-Clause “New” or “Revised” License. It comes with interactive mode, open a page in the default web browser., search a specific most voted question, search question with tags and many more features.

How to Install SoCLI on Ubuntu

To install socli on your system, run below commands one by one. It will install pipx and socli on your system.

sudo apt install pipx
pipx ensurepath
pipx install socli

After the successful installation of socli run below command.

socli ubuntu

SoCLI Stack Overflow Command line app

The above command search the given query “ubuntu” through Stack Overflow and display the first most voted question.

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To activate the interactive mode, run below command.

socli -iq ubuntu

SoCL command line app

This command will search the questions for the query “ubuntu” and list the results. Now enter the question number to select a question from the given result.

You can also use the tag like below command.

socli -t ubuntu -q linux

For the complete socli usage details run below command.

socli -h
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