Download Torrent Files with Fragments BitTorrent Client

Fragments is a simple and easy to use BitTorrent Client for Linux. It is a free and open source software released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. You can add the downloaded torrent file or add the file via the magnet link also. It comes with dark and light mode. You can remove and pause the download, encrypt your connection during download, change the download directory and also set the maximum active parallel download numbers in the settings page.

Fragments BitTorrent Client

Install Fragments BitTorrent Client on Ubuntu

Fragments BitTorrent Client is available as flatpak package for Linux. So first make sure you have Flatpak installed in your system. If you don’t have, then follow the below tutorial link for flatpak installation and after installation restart your system.

Also Read:  How to Install XAMPP on Ubuntu

How to install flatpak on Ubuntu

If you already have then just skip the above step and follow the below installation steps. Open the terminal console command -line application . You can open it via ctrl+alt+t or via show applications menu. Then run below Fragments flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub de.haeckerfelix.Fragments

You can run Fragments client via this flatpak command.

flatpak run de.haeckerfelix.Fragments

Fragments BitTorrent Client setting

That’s it.

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