Quick Lookup Wiktionary Dictionary Application for Linux

Quick Lookup is a free and open source Linux Wiktionary dictionary application. Quick Lookup allows you to search and view the Wiktionary results in a simple GTK application. Using this you can check word definitions and phrases. It comes with more than 46 languages support. You can choose and change the language by entering language name or ISO-639-1 code or from the drop down menu. It is a simple easy to use online dictionary for Linux. Open can open all internal links within Quick Lookup without moving any other browser.

Quick Lookup Dictionary

You can also visit the previous page with the build-in back button. Want to lookup text from any other application, then you can also do it via by setting a keyboard shortcut to launch this app with the “–selection” command line option.

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Install Quick Lookup on Ubuntu Linux

It is available as flatpak package. So you need to install and setup flatpak and flathub first on your system if you don’t have. Follow the below tutorial link for this.

How to install flatpak on Ubuntu

Restart your system after the flatpak installation. If you already installed then skip the above step and follow the below. Open the terminal console command -line application . You can open it via ctrl+alt+t or via show applications menu. Then run below Quick Lookup flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub com.github.johnfactotum.QuickLookup

You can run Quick Lookup via this command.

flatpak run com.github.johnfactotum.QuickLookup

That’s it.

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