Create and Edit Subtitles with Subtitld Subtitle Editor

Subtitld is a free and open source subtitle editor application for Linux and Windows. It is released under GNU General Public License v3.0. Using Subtitld you can create, edit and transcribe subtitles. Currently it supports SRT, SSA, TTML, SBV, DFXP, VTT, XML, SCC, SAMI file formats and you can also import from TXT and export to TXT files. You can change the playback speed and change timimg, unlimited undo, retiming, slicing and more.

Some other useful features are custom shortcuts, auto subtitles, safety margins, zoom in timeline, file history and start and end cursor.

Download Subtitld

Install Subtitld on Ubuntu Linux

Subtitld is available as a snap package for Ubuntu Linux. You can install it via your terminal application. Open the terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Subtitld snap installation command.

sudo snap install subtitld --beta

This will install the beta version of Subtitld.

Also Read:  How to Reboot Restart Ubuntu Through Command Line

Note: During the test the stable version not working on Ubuntu. You can also install the stable in future using this command.

sudo snap install subtitld

After the installation you can start the app from the applications menu or via below command.


That’s it

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