How to install Zangband roguelike game on Ubuntu

Zangband is a free roguelike single player adventure dungeon simulator command line ASCII game for Linux, MacOS and Windows. Zangband is a variant of another roguelike game Angband. In this game you need to choose your race, classeand magic realm to create your character. During the game collect useful items like supplies, weapons, armor, and magical devices. It comes with more than 100 levels.Some other similar roguelike games are Shattered Pixel Dungeon, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Tales of Maj’Eyal and LambdaRogue.

Zangband roguelike game

Install Zangband game on Ubuntu:

Zangband dungeon game is available on Ubuntu official repositories. You can install on your system.

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First update your system software sources by running below commad.

sudo apt update

Enter your ubuntu user password and then run the below Zangband installation command.

sudo apt install zangband

During the installation process, confirm it by pressing y and enter. You can run the Zangband game by


For the complete usage

zangband -h
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