YOGA Image Optimizer & Converter Tool

YOGA Image Optimizer is a free and open source image converter and optimizer application for Windows and Linux. Using this GUI tool you can convert and optimize JPEG, PNG and WebP images easily. It is based on YOGA command-line tool which is using Guetzli for JPEGs, Zopflipng for PNGs and libwebp for WEBPs images. YOGA Image Optimizer is written in python and released under GNU General Public License v3.0. You can save more than 20 to 40 percent in Jpeg and Png images. It comes with Multi-thread support, Custom output and dark mode support.

YOGA Image Optimizer

Download YOGA Image Optimizer

Install YOGA Image Optimizer on Ubuntu Linux

You can install YOGA Image Optimizer via flatpak package from flathub. For that you need to install flatpak and flathub in your system. If you don’t have flatpak on your system follow below tutorial and install it and after the installation restart your system.

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How to install flatpak and flathub

Open the terminal command-line software using ctrl+alt+t keys or via application menu and run below YOGA Image Optimizer flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub

After the installation of YOGA you can open it via below command.

flatpak run

Just click the “+” to add images and choose output format and set compress level for each or a selection of images and click Optimize to compress and convert it.

YOGA Image Optimizer settings

And you can also uninstall it via below command.

sudo flatpak uninstall

That’s all.

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