Warzone 2100 open source 3D real time strategy game

Warzone 2100 is a free and open source 3D real time strategy (RTS) game for Windows, macOS, Linux and FreeBSD. It comes with single player campaign, LAN / Internet multiplayer, play versus AI bots and more than 400 different tech tree. It is released under the GPLv2+ license. You need at least 1 GB RAM, OpenGL 2.1+ support and 150MB storage space to run this game.

Warzone 2100 game


Download Warzone 2100

How to install Warzone 2100 on Ubuntu Linux

Warzone 2100 is available as a snap, flatpak and native deb package files. Open the command line terminal application using the ctrl+alt+t keys and run Warzone 2100 snap installation command. It will install the latest version of Warzone 2100 on your Ubuntu Linux system.

sudo snap install warzone2100

After the installation you can run Warzone 2100 via below command or via applications menu also.


You can also uninstall warzone2100 via below command.

sudo snap remove warzone2100

That’s it.

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Install Warzone 2100 via Flatpak

If you don’t have flatpak and flathub on your system first install it via below link and restart your system after the installation.

Install flatpak and flathub

In terminal run Warzone 2100 flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub net.wz2100.wz2100

And run Warzone 2100 via

flatpak run net.wz2100.wz2100

If you plan to uninstall then use this command.

sudo flatpak uninstall net.wz2100.wz2100

Install Warzone 2100 via deb:

Download Warzone 2100

Download Warzone 2100 from the above download link in .deb package file and save it on your Downloads folder. Here the downloaded file name is warzone2100_ubuntu20.04_amd64.deb . It will based on your version. In terminal run below commands to install in your system.

cd Downloads
sudo apt install ./warzone2100_ubuntu*.deb

That’s it.

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