Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard – VMPK

Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a free and open source MIDI events generator and receiver for linux, Windows and MacOS. In this software you can use the computer’s mouse and keyboard to play MIDI notes. It is based on Qt5 and Drumstick RT frameworks. You can also map your alphanumeric keyboard with VMPK. It also comes with spanish, german and french keyboard layouts.


Install Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard on Ubuntu

VMPK is available via flatpak and portable AppImage file formats. First you need to install flatpak and flathub in your system. Follow the below link for that. If you already installed just skip that step.

Install Flatpak On Ubuntu

Open you terminal software (ctrl+alt+t) and run this Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub net.sourceforge.VMPK

After the installation you can run VMPK from this command.

flatpak run net.sourceforge.VMPK

vmpk settings

Install VMPK via AppImage:

Download Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard

Also Read:  PianoCheetah Midi Sequencer Software

Download the latest VMPK in .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. And run the below commands one by one on your terminal application. Here the downloaded file name is “vmpk-0.8.0-linux-x86_64.AppImage”. change commands based on your file name.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ vmpk-0.8.0-linux-x86_64.AppImage

Watch Video:

That’s it.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Vidyut

    You don’t need sudo to change file permissions on an appimage you downloaded with browser and run without root privileges.

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