Tune Musical Instrument with FMIT Free Music Instrument Tuner

FMIT or Free Music Instrument Tuner is a free and open source musical instrument tuning application for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows. It comes with Discrete Fourier Transform, Harmonics amplitude, Waveform’s period and Microtonal tuning. It supports scala file format, OSS, ALSA, PortAudio and Jack sound systems. You can also view real time estimation of the fundamental frequency of an audio signal and complete statistics.

Free music Instrument Tuner


Install FMIT Free Music Instrument Tuner on Ubuntu Linux

FMIT is available as a flatpak package for Ubuntu Linux. So if you don’t have flatpak on your system, then you need to install it via below link.

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How to install flatpak and flathub

After the installation of flatpak, restart your system and open the terminal software (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands.

flatpak install flathub io.github.gillesdegottex.FMIT
flatpak run io.github.gillesdegottex.FMIT

That’s it.

Download FMIT [Windows and Mac]

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