PDF Arranger – Merge Rearrange and Split PDF Files – Install PDF Arranger on Ubuntu

PDF Arranger is a free and open source PDF editor for Linux and Windows. Using this you can merge, rearrange and Split PDF files in your system. It is released under GNU General Public License v3.0 and written on python. It is using the pikepdf python library for the backend. You can also export section, rotate and crop the pdf documents. It is simple and easy to us pdf application. It is a fork of popular pdfshuffler pdf editor. You can also try the PDF Mix Tool for pdf merging and splitting purpose.

Install PDF Arranger on Ubuntu

PDF Arranger is available as a flatpak package for Ubuntu. To install any flatpak applications, first you need to install and setup flatpak and flathub in your system. Follow below flatpak and flathub installation tutorial.

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How to install and setup flatpak and flathub on Ubuntu

After the install and setup restart you system and open the terminal software. you can start terminal by ctrl+alt+t. Then run this PDF Arranger flatpak installation command.

[flatpak install flathub com.github.jeromerobert.pdfarranger

After the installation of PDF Arranger, run below command to run PDF Arranger.

flatpak run com.github.jeromerobert.pdfarranger

That’s all.

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