EWWW Image Optimizer – Optimize your WordPress site images

EWWW Image Optimizer is a free wordpress plugin to optimize your wordpress images. You can manualy reduce the size of already uploaded images or automatically optimize your images as you upload them to your wordpress website.By default, this plugin uses lossless image optimization techniques and and optionally you can also apply lossy compression to achieve huge savings results.

EWWW Image Optimizer (more…)

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Now search animal sounds in Google search

Google has added new 19 animal sounds to the Google search results. Just type “animal noises” in the google search box to get the all 19 animal monkey, cat, cow, duck, elephant, horse, lion, moose, owl, pig, raccoons, rooster, sheep, tiger, turkey, turtle, bowhead, humpback whale, wolf, zebra illustrations , their names and a sample of what they sound like.
animal noises google


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