Naval Battle – Battle Ship Sinking Game

Naval Battle is a small free and open source turn based battle ship sinking board game for Linux. In this game you need to place ships on the sea. You need to hit your opponents ships in your turn without knowing where they are placed. Just destroy all opponent ships to win this game. It is kde project and released under GPL-2.0+ license. It comes with single player mode and network game mode and you can also host the game. Some other features are keyboard shortcuts and three different hard level modes.

Naval Battle game

Install Naval Battle on Ubuntu Linux

Naval Battle is available via flatpak and snap packages. You can install it via the terminal application.

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Install Naval Battle via Flatpak:

Install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it. Open the terminal (ctrl+alt+t) app and run below flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub org.kde.knavalbattle

Run Naval Battle via below command.

flatpak run org.kde.knavalbattle

Uninstall it via

sudo flatpak uninstall org.kde.knavalbattle

Install Naval Battle via Snap:

You can also install Naval Battle via snap. In terminal run

sudo snap install knavalbattle

Start Naval Battle via


You can also uninstall it via

sudo snap remove knavalbattle

That’s it.

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