Jamovi is a free and open source statistical software for Windows, MacOS and Linux. You can use this as an alternative to SPSS and SAS. It is based on R statistical language. It comes with t-tests, ANOVAs, correlation and regression, non-parametric tests, contingency tables, reliability and factor analysis tools and you can also easily develop and publish your own analyses. It save all data in single file to easily share and backup your data.
Install Jamovi on Ubuntu Linux
Jamovi is available as a flatpak package for Ubuntu Linux from flathub. You can easily install it via the terminal application. But first you need flatpak in your system. If you don’t have then follow below link to install it. And after the installation restart your system.
How to install flatpak and flathub
Open the terminal application using ctrl+alt+t keys and run below Jamovi flatpak installation command to install the latest version of Jamovi.
flatpak install flathub org.jamovi.jamovi
Now you can open Jamovi via the applications menu or via below command.
flatpak run org.jamovi.jamovi
And you can also install it via below command.
sudo flatpak uninstall org.jamovi.jamovi
That’s all.