Pitivi is a free open source non-linear video editor for Linux system. It will support all GStreamer Multimedia Framework supported formats. It has more than 70 transitions and more than a hundred video and audio effects. It supports realtime trimming previews and assets management and searching, ripple and roll editing, grouping and snapping, playhead-centric zooming and editing, non-modal cutting, detachable interface components, smooth scrolling, automatic zoom adjustment. It is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License.
Install Pitivi on Ubuntu Linux
To install the latest version of Pitivi video editor on your Linux system, you need to install flatpak and flatpak first. So use the below link to install the latest flatpak.
How to install flatpak on ubuntu
Restart your system after the flatpak and flathub installation. In the command-line terminal application run below Pitivi flatpak installation command.
flatpak install flathub org.pitivi.Pitivi
After the installation, you can open it with this command.
flatpak run org.pitivi.Pitivi
If you want to uninstall, then use this command.
sudo flatpak uninstall org.pitivi.Pitivi