How to install Musique Music Player on Ubuntu

Musique is a free music player for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It is a simple and easy to use user interface music player application. You can browse your collection by artists pictures and album covers. It comes with a feature that will find and show the song lyrics in the Info View. It also hides unwanted segments from lyrics. You can also browse folders and files in this tool. It supports play queue management to organize your music. It comes with a drag and drop support and it is always visible on the right of the player.


Install Musique on Ubuntu

Musique Music Player is available as a native deb package file for Ubuntu. you can install it via your terminal application.

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Download Musique Music Player

Download the latest version of Musique Music Player in .deb file format from the above link and save it on your Downloads folder. Open terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands. enter your Ubuntu user password if needed.

cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i musique.deb
sudo apt install -f

Open Musique Music Player via the application menu or by running this command.


Musique Music Player


That’s it.

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