GreenTunnel Unblock Websites Bypass ISPs – How to install GreenTunnel on Ubuntu

GreenTunnel is a free and open source anti-censorship application for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Using this you can bypass the Deep Packet Inspection system of your Internet service provider and unblock the blocked websites on your system. It is released under MIT License. It come with Command-line interface and GUI support. It uses DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS to get real IP address and bypass DNS Spoofing. This method does not work every ISPs so test it first with your ISP. And it doesn’t encrypt traffic and doesn’t hide your IP address.


Install GreenTunnel on Ubuntu

Download GreenTunnel

Go to the above GreenTunnel download link and download the GreenTunnel Debian package in zip file format. Save it on your Downloads folder. Right click on the downloaded file and select extract here. Now you will get the GreenTunnel deb package file. Now install it with the below commands. Change the file name based on the downloaded and extracted file name.

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cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i green-tunnel_1.7.4_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f

GreenTunnel Cli:

You can install the GreenTunnel Command-line interface using the snap package. In your terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) run this GreenTunnel snap installation command.

sudo snap install --edge green-tunnel --devmode

Using NPM

npm i -g green-tunnel

For the complete usage details run this command.

gt --help
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