How to Install Deepin File Manager on Ubuntu

Deepin File Manager is a free and open source file manager application for Linux. It comes with build-in file search, copy, trash, file compression and decompression, view file property, tab browsing, file preview, mount devices, show hidden files and all other common file manager features. It is the official file manager for the Deepin desktop environment. But you can install on any other Linux desktop environment. It is released under GNU General Public License v3.0.

Deepin File Manager

Install Deepin File Manager on Ubuntu

To install Deepin File Manager on your Linux system, run below commands one by one on your terminal (ctrl+alt+t) command-line application. It will add Deepin File Manager PPA and install it on your system.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntudde-dev/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dde-file-manager

After the successful installation of Deepin File Manager, you can open it using below command. Or via Show Apps application menu from Ubuntu dock.

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