How to Build Movies & TV Shows Watchlist Using Ticket Booth

Ticket Booth is a free and open source watchlist application for Linux. Using Ticket Booth, you can add and build your Movies and TV Shows watchlist and also track them. You can add them manually or easily via The Movie Database (TMDB). You can mark all watched titles, sort the titles, use keyboard shortcuts, enable offline only mode, set TMDB update frequency, set language and do many more.

Note: Ticket Booth does not allow you to watch or download content.

Ticket Booth

How to Install Ticket Booth on Ubuntu

To install the latest version of Ticket Booth, you need flatpak and flatub on your system. If you don’t have then install then using below commands and restart it after the installation.

sudo apt install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

After that in the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) run below Ticket Booth flatpak install command. It will install Ticket Booth on your system

flatpak install flathub me.iepure.Ticketbooth

You can open it using below command or via the Show Apps application menu from the Ubuntu dock.

flatpak run me.iepure.Ticketbooth

Ticket Booth add movie watchlist

Ticket Booth add movie

Ticket Booth software

And you can also uninstall using below commands.

flatpak uninstall me.iepure.Ticketbooth


sudo flatpak uninstall me.iepure.Ticketbooth
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