Greenfoot Visual and Interactive Java IDE

Greenfoot is a free Java learning and teaching application for Windows, MacOS and Linux. It is a visual and interactive IDE and using Greenfoot you can build games, simulations, and great graphical programs. It comes with project management, auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and more. You can also share and publish your work both online and offline.

Greenfoot java app

Download [ Windows, MacOS, Linux ]

Install Greenfoot on Ubuntu Linux

Greenfoot is available as a flatpak and native deb package files. Install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation.
Now open the terminal command line software using ctrl+alt+t keys and run below Greenfoot flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub org.greenfoot.Greenfoot

After the installation you can open Greenfoot using below command.

flatpak run org.greenfoot.Greenfoot

And you can also uninstall it via

sudo flatpak uninstall org.greenfoot.Greenfoot

Install Greenfoot via DEB:

Download Greenfoot and save it on your Downloads folder. Now open the terminal app and run below commands one by one. Here “Greenfoot-linux-371.deb” is the downloaded file name and “Downloads” is the path name. You can change below commands based on your file name and path.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ./Downloads/Greenfoot-linux-371.deb

That’s all

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