Flare Empyrean Campaign 2D Action Role Playing Game

Flare Empyrean Campaign is a free and open source 2D action role playing game RPG for Windows, MacOS and Linux. It is released under GPL3 license. It also comes with open source flare engine. This game comes with simple and easy story. The player being exiled from their homeland of Empyrean and quest to regain entry and some additional quests also.


Install Flare on Ubuntu

Flare is available as a snap and flatpak packages on Ubuntu. You can install it via your terminal software.

Install Flare via Snap:

Open your terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below flare snap installation command to install the latest version of Flare Empyrean Campaign 2D action role playing game and engine on your system.

sudo snap install flare-rpg

Then you can run flare game via the show applications menu or from below command.


Install Flare via Flatpak:

If you don’t have flatpak and flathub on your system then install flatpak and flathub first. After the installation restart your system. IN terminal run below Flare flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub org.flarerpg.Flare

You can run flare flatpak using below command.

flatpak run org.flarerpg.Flare

Watch Video:

Also Read:  How to Install Viber on Ubuntu

That’s all.

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