Adapta GTK Theme and Flat Remix Icon Theme

Adapta GTK and Flat Remix Icon themes are most popular themes for your linux system. Adaptive Gtk+ theme is based on Material Design and it uses Noto sans and Roboto fonts. Flat remix icon theme is derived from Ultra-Flat-Icons, Paper, EvoPop and Numix-Circle icon themes.

Install Adapta GTK Theme on ubuntu:

First add its PPA by opening your terminal app by searching terminal in ubuntu dash and run the below command

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tista/adapta

Then type your ubuntu password. And hit enter key confirm the installation.
Then type the below command and hit enter.

sudo apt-get update

Then run the below command in terminal to install Adapta GTK Theme on Ubuntu.

sudo apt-get install adapta-gtk-theme

Type Y and hit enter to confirm the Adapta GTK Theme installation.

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To apply this GTK theme use Unity Tweak Tool.

How to install Unity Tweak Tool on ubuntu

Open Unity Tweak tool and click the themes menu and apply the theme.

Install Flat Remix Icon Theme on Ubuntu:

Download the flat remix icon theme from here.

And unzip the downloaded file. then move “Flat Remix” folder to “.icons” folder in your home directory.
Note: .icons is a hidden folder.

To apply this icon theme use Unity Tweak Tool.

How to install Unity Tweak Tool on ubuntu

Open Unity Tweak tool and click the icons menu and apply the theme.

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