Create and Set Cool Triangular Wallpapers with Trianglify Wallpaper

Trianglify Wallpaper is a cool free and open source wallpaper making application for Linux. Using Trianglify Wallpaper you can create eye catching triangular wallpapers for your desktop. You can save, set and schedule your wallpapers. You can customize the wallpaper height, width, pattern intensity, triangle variance and cell size. It also comes with preset palette and you can make your own custom color palette. This is really nice tool for every desktop. It is based on Trianglify library and released under GNU General Public License v3.0.

Trianglify Wallpaper

Install Trianglify Wallpaper on Ubuntu

Trianglify Wallpaper is available as snap package for Ubuntu. you can install it via terminal command line application. open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Trianglify Wallpaper snap installation command.

sudo snap install triangle-wallpaper

Trianglify Wallpaper app

Install Install Trianglify Wallpaper via AppImage

Download Trianglify Wallpaper

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Download Trianglify Wallpaper in .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it in your Downloads folder. And run below commands one by one.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ triangle-wallpaper-2.2.0.AppImage

Here “triangle-wallpaper-2.2.0.AppImage” is the downloaded file name. you can change it based on your downloaded file name.


That’s all.

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