XMoto 2D Motocross Platform Game

XMoto is a free and open source side-scrolling 2D motocross platform game for Linux, Windows and MacOS. In this high-octane gaming experience, your mission is to collect all the tantalizing floating items scattered throughout each level and skillfully navigate your way to the checkered finishing ball. However, beware of the motocross bike’s wild bounce a single collision with a solid object will force you to restart the level.

XMoto 2D Motocross Platform Game

What sets XMoto apart is the vast array of levels at your disposal. With a rich selection included in the initial installation and numerous others available for download from the Internet, the adventure is limitless. Test your skills against players from all corners of the globe as you strive to set new speed records. XMoto offers the exciting opportunity to compete for the fastest times in a worldwide community of players.

Download XMoto Game

How to Install XMoto Game on Ubuntu

To install XMoto game on Ubuntu Linux, open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below XMoto apt install command. It will install the latest version of XMoto on your system

sudo apt install xmoto

After the successful installation of XMoto, you can start the game using below command.


You control your bike using the keyboard:

Also Read:  Funny Linux Commands

Up arrow – Accelerates
Down arrow – Brakes
Left arrow – Rotates it counter-clockwise
Right arrow – Rotates it clockwise
Space – Turns around

You can also uninstall it using below command.

sudo apt remove xmoto

Install XMoto via Flatpak:

In the terminal application run below XMoto game flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub org.tuxfamily.XMoto

You can open it using below command.

flatpak run org.tuxfamily.XMoto

And you can also uninstall it using below commands.

flatpak uninstall org.tuxfamily.XMoto


sudo flatpak uninstall org.tuxfamily.XMoto

Note: If you don’t have then install flatpak and flathub on your system, using below commands and restart it after the installation.

sudo apt install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

Download and install XMoto today and start collecting, racing, and competing in a world of thrilling 2D adventure.

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