Hardware Probe Hardware Analysis Tool

Hardware Probe or hw-probe is a free and open source your system hardware analysis application for Linux. This cutting-edge tool designed to probe your hardware, verify operability, and even identify the right drivers using the Linux Hardware Database. A probe is like a snapshot of your computer’s hardware state. It inspects your system to assess the operability of its devices. It then anonymizes the hardware information and uploads it to the Linux Hardware Database, providing you with a permanent URL to view the probe’s results.

Hardware Probe

Download Hardware Probe

How to Install Hardware Probe on Ubuntu

Hardware Probe is available as a AppImage, snap, native deb and flatpak package format. Open the terminal application and run below commands one by one.

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt update
sudo apt install hw-probe --no-install-recommends
sudo -E hw-probe -all -upload

Install Hardware Probe via AppImage:

Download the latest Hardware Probe in portable .AppImage file format and save it on your Downloads folder. In the terminal app run below commands one by one.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ hw-probe-1.6.5-189-x86_64.AppImage
sudo -E ./hw-probe-1.6.5-189-x86_64.AppImage -all -upload

Note: Here “hw-probe-1.6.5-189-x86_64.AppImage” is the downloaded file name . You can change above commands based on your file name.

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Install Hardware Probe via Snap:

You can also install Hardware Probe via below snap install command. In the terminal run below commands.

sudo snap install hw-probe

The hw-probe command should become available on the command line after installation. If not, try:

export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin

Then run below commands

sudo snap connect hw-probe:block-devices :block-devices

Now you can create computer probes:

sudo -E hw-probe -all -upload

Install hw-probe via Flatpak:

flatpak install flathub org.linux_hardware.hw-probe

Now you can create computer probes using below command.

flatpak run org.linux_hardware.hw-probe -all -upload
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