Tanks of Freedom is a free and open source indie turn based strategy game for Linux, Windows, MacOS, FreeBSD and Android. This game is based on Godot Engine and in isometric pixel art visuals. It is released under open source MIT license. You can create game maps using build-in map editor. You can fight yourself in campaign against AI or play with you friends.
Download Tanks of Freedom [Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android]
Install Tanks of Freedom on Ubuntu
Tanks of Freedom is available as portable bin and flatpak. Go to above download page and click the download button and just click the “No thanks, just take me to the downloads” link to get the game free. If you want to support the developer then donate some money and download. Here the downloaded file name is “ToF_Beta_0.7.0_linux64.bin” and save it on your Downloads folder.
Open your terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands based on file name.
cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ ToF_Beta_0.7.0_linux64.bin
That’ it.
Install Tanks of Freedom via Flatpak:
You can also install Tanks of Freedom via flatpak package. Install flatpak if you don’t have. Then run below Tanks of Freedom flatpak installation command.
flatpak install flathub in.p1x.TanksOfFreedom
You can run Tanks of Freedom game via this command.
flatpak run in.p1x.TanksOfFreedom
That’s all.