QLog Amateur Radio Logbook Software

QLog is a free and open source amateur radio logging software for Linux, Windows and Mac OS. It comes with amQTH, DX cluster and QRZ.com callbook support, password protection, online and offline map, bandmap, CW Console, station location profile & statistics, custom QSO filters and GUI. It is based on the Qt and uses SQLite as database backend.

QLog Amateur Radio Logbook

Some other useful features are LoTW, eQSL, QRZ.com, Clublog, HRDLog.net, ON4KST Chat integration, rig and rotator control and many more.

Download QLog [Windows,Linux,MacOS]

How to Install QLog on Ubuntu

To install QLog on your system, open the terminal software (ctrl+alt+t) and run below QLog flatpak install command. It will install the latest QLog on your Ubuntu Linux system.

flatpak install flathub io.github.foldynl.QLog

And open QLog using below command or via the Show Apps menu from the Ubuntu dock.

flatpak run io.github.foldynl.QLog

Note: If you don’t already have flatpak and flathub installed, please install them on your system using the commands provided below. After the installation, please restart your system.

sudo apt install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

And uninstall it using below commands.

flatpak uninstall io.github.foldynl.QLog


sudo flatpak uninstall io.github.foldynl.QLog

Install QLog via PPA:

In the terminal app run below commands one by one. It will add QLog PPA and install QLog on your Ubuntu system.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:foldyna/qlog
sudo apt update
sudo apt install qlog
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