Borg ER-3 Tone Generator Audio Synthesizer Software

Borg ER-3 is a free and open source Borg ER-3 audio synthesizer and tone generator application for Linux and Windows. It is heavily inspired by the Korg ER-1 and released under MIT License. It is based on FART oscillators and click the drag the envelope in to any share. Some other features are harmonic resolution and wave-shape, manually configured biquads and more.

Borg ER-3

Download Borg ER-3

Install Borg ER-3 on Ubuntu Linux

You can install Borg ER-3 via portable AppImage, native .deb, snap and flatpak package files. Download Borg ER-3 in .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Open the terminal command-line application and run below command one by one. Here “borg.AppImage” is the downloaded file name. You can change below command based on your file name.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ borg.AppImage

Install Borg ER-3 via DEB:

Download Borg ER-3 in .deb package file and save in on your Downloads folder. In the terminal run below apt install command.

sudo apt install /Downloads/borg.deb

Install Borg ER-3 via snap:

In the terminal run below Borg ER-3 snap install command. It will also install the Borg ER-3 on your system

sudo snap install borger3

And you can uninstall it using

sudo snap remove borger3

Install Borg ER-3 via flatpak:

First install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation. Now in the terminal run below Borg ER-3 flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub com.voxdsp.Borg

and start it using

flatpak install flathub com.voxdsp.Borg

And uninstall it using

sudo flatpak uninstall flathub com.voxdsp.Borg

That’s it.

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