GitFiend Git Client Software

GitFiend is a free git client for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It comes with clone, init, fetch, auto-fetch, push, pull, stage and commit support and you can also merge, switch, create, delete and compare branches, filter commits by branch or user, revert commits, file history, Add, remove or select which remote to push and pull, stashing and more.


Download GitFiend [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Install GitFiend on Ubuntu Linux

GitFiend is available as a portable AppImage, native deb and flatpak package files. Download the latest version of GitFiend in .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Now open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands one by one.

Note: Here “GitFiend-0.40.0.AppImage” is the downloaded file name. You can change below commands based on your downloaded file name.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ GitFiend-0.40.0.AppImage

Install GitFiend via DEB:

Download GitFiend in .deb from the above GitFiend download link and save it on your Downloads directory. In the terminal software run below GitFiend apt install command.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/GitFiend_0.40.0_amd64.deb

Here “GitFiend_0.40.0_amd64.deb” is the downloaded file name.

Also Read:  Rxvt Unicode Terminal Emulator

Install GitFiend via Flatpak:

First install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation. Now in the terminal software run below GitFiend flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub com.gitfiend.GitFiend

You can start GitFiend using below command or via the application menu also.

flatpak run com.gitfiend.GitFiend

And uninstall GitFiend via below command.

sudo flatpak uninstall com.gitfiend.GitFiend

That’s it

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