Monitor Process using PS Command line Tool

PS or Process Status is a free and open-source process viewer application for Linux systems. By using the PS command-line tool, you can monitor all running processes on a Linux system. It only shows static information about the process. This article provides several examples of PS command usage.

PS Command Examples

How to Display Processes for the current shell:

In the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) run below command.


ps command

PS Real-time Process Monitoring:

You use PS as a real-time monitoring using watch tool like below command.

watch -n 1 'ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head'

ps real time monitor

How to Display every active process on Linux:

ps -A

ps -A

Display Process Tree:

ps -e --forest

ps tree

How to Display User Running Processes:

ps -x

ps -x

For the complete ps help and usage details, run below commands.

ps --help all
man ps
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