jdTextEdit Advanced Text Editor

jdTextEdit is a free and open source text code editor application for Windows, Linux and MacOS. It supports many programming languages like HTML, xml, sql, ruby, python, perl, markdown, java, java script, css, c# and C++. It comes with syntax highlighting, spell Checking, color picker, portable mode, bookmarks and Macros support. You can save your coding session and extend its support via plugins. It almost support all encodings methods.


Download jdTextEdit

Install jdTextEdit on Ubuntu Linux

jdTextEdit is available as flatpak, snap and pip package files. If you want to install it via flatpak, then first install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart after the installation.
Then open terminal app and run below jdTextEdit flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub com.gitlab.JakobDev.jdTextEdit

It will install the latest version jdTextEdit on your system. And open it via below command.

flatpak run com.gitlab.JakobDev.jdTextEdit

You can also uninstall it via

sudo flatpak uninstall com.gitlab.JakobDev.jdTextEdit

Install jdTextEdit via Snap:

In terminal software run below jdTextEdit snap install command.

sudo snap install jdtextedit

you can uninstall it via

sudo snap remove jdtextedit

Install jdTextEdit via PIP:

If you want to install jdTextEdit via pip then run the below command. If you don’t have pip in your system install it via below link.

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How to install pip on Ubuntu

Then in your terminal run this jdTextEdit pip installation command. It will install jdTextEdit on your system.

sudo pip3 install jdTextEdit


sudo pip install jdTextEdit

That’s all

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