Qmmp Open Source Audio Player

Qmmp (Qt Multi Media Player) is an free and open-source audio player for Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. It is Winamp inspired music player. It supports all Winamp 2.x skins also. Qmmp audio player supports MP3, Ogg, Flac, Musepack, WavePack, mod, s3m, it, xm, AAC, CD Audio, WMA, Midi, SID and more. It comes with plugin support to provide DSP effects, visualization effects, 10-band equalizer, lyrics and cover art fetch, multiple playlists, Last.fm/Libre.fm scrobbler and audio formats converter support.

Qmmp Audio Player

Install Qmmp audio player on Ubuntu:

Open your terminal app in ubuntu and add Qmmp PPA by running the below command in terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:forkotov02/ppa

Type your Ubuntu password. Then press the enter key. This will add the QMMP Music player PPA on your system. Then run the below command.

sudo apt-get update

After that type the below command and press enter key to install Qmmp audio player on Ubuntu.

sudo apt-get install qmmp qmmp-plugin-pack

Type Y and press the enter key to confirm the installation. After the successful installation of Qmmp audio player, type Qmmp in the show applications search field and click Qmmp to open it.

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Install Qmmp via Snap:

You can also install Qmmp via snap package file. In the terminal run below command.

sudo snap install qmmp

And uninstall Qmmp using below command.

sudo snap remove qmmp

That’s it.

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