How to Monitor System Performance with Nmon in Ubuntu

Nmon is a free and open source system monitoring tool for Linux. Using Nmon, you can monitor your system performance easily. It is interactive command line tool. Using this tool you can check CPU, file systems, resources, memory, disk space, network, running processes, virtual machine, power and more in the same terminal window. So you don’t need to switch tab or window.

Nmon system monitoring tool

How to Install Nmon on Ubuntu

To install the latest Nmon on your Ubuntu Linux system, run below command in your terminal application (ctrl+alt+t).

sudo apt install nmon

After the installation run below command on your terminal to run Nmon app.



Now use below keys to toggle statistics of your system parts on and off.
Example: press c to view CPU details and press the m key to show your Ram details.

c = CPU
l = CPU Long-term
- = Faster screen updates
C = " WideView
U = Utilisation
+ = Slower screen updates
m = Memory
V = Virtual memory
j = File Systems
d = Disks
n = Network
. = only busy disks/procs
r = Resource
h = more options
k = Kernel
t = Top-processes
q = Quit


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