Kalm is a free and open source breath instructor application for Linux. Using Kalm you can learn different breathing techniques easily. It comes with 4-7-8 breathing, coordinated breathing, box breathing, box breathing (sleep), resonant breathing, nadi shodhana and yogic breathing techniques support. It will teach you these techniques with simple animated stimulation.
Install Kalm on Ubuntu
Kalm is available as a flatpak package file format from the flathub remote repository. If you don’t have then install flatpak and flathub on your system using below tutorial link and restart it after the installation.
Now open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Kalm flatpak install command. It will install the latest Kalm on your system.
flatpak install flathub org.kde.kalm
And open it using below command.
flatpak run org.kde.kalm
Just select the breathing method and practice it. You can also uninstall it using below commands.
flatpak uninstall org.kde.kalm
sudo flatpak uninstall org.kde.kalm