How to install TuxGuitar on Ubuntu – TuxGuitar Guitar tablature editor and player

TuxGuitar is a free open source multitrack guitar tablature editor and player for Linux, Windows and Mac OS. It is written in Java-SWT and released under GNU Lesser General Public License. It comes with Tablature editor,
Score Viewer and Multitrack display. You can Imports and exports gp3, gp4 and gp5 files in TuxGuitar . Using this you can open GuitarPro, PowerTab and TablEdit files. Some other important features are Autoscroll while playing, Time signature, Note duration and Tempo management. It comes with bend, slide, vibrato, hammer-on/pull-off effects and triplets support (5,6,7,9,10,11,12).

Install TuxGuitar Guitar tablature editor and player on Ubuntu:

TuxGuitar Guitar tablature editor and player is available as a deb package file for Ubuntu system. you can download the latest version of TuxGuitar from below link.

Download TuxGuitar for Ubuntu [32-bit- Direct link]

Download TuxGuitar for Ubuntu [64-bit- Direct link]

Download TuxGuitar for Windows, Mac OS and Linux

After that install the downloaded deb package file with your favorite package installer. currently i am using GDebi Package Installer to install TuxGuitar. If you don’t have GDebi Package Installer just install it with the below command in your terminal app.

sudo apt install gdebi

Or install it from Ubuntu software center.

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Right click on the downloaded TuxGuitar Guitar tablature editor and player .deb file and select open with other software and choose GDebi Package Installer. Then click install Package. It will install TuxGuitar Guitar tablature editor and player on your system. That’s all.

After the installation of TuxGuitar, click the show applications in the Ubuntu Gnome dock and type TuxGuitar in the search box and click TuxGuitar to open it. For Unity you can search TuxGuitar from Ubuntu dash.

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