Bulky Bulk File Renamer Tool for Linux

Bulky is a free and open source bulk file and directory rename application for Linux from Linux Mint team. It is based on Python and released under GNU General Public License v3. Using this bulky renamer application you can find and replace file and directory names with regular expression support. You can also remove letters and insert new text, change filename to title case, upper case, lower case and first character uppercase. It also comes with preview the changes support.


Install Bulky on Ubuntu Linux

Bulky is available as a native .deb package file. Download Bulky in .deb package file from the below download link and save in your Downloads folder.

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Download Bulky

Here the downloaded file name is “bulky_1.7_all.deb” . you can change the below command based on your downloaded file name. Open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands one by one.

cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i bulky_1.7_all.deb
sudo apt install -f


You can also install bulky via below command

sudo apt install ./Downloads/bulky*.deb

You can open Bulky from below command.


That’s it.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jorge Burlamaque

    Very good and practical renamer, however it sorts the files by name and when we are going to enumerate music tracks the numbering is wrong. Should have the option, not sort.
    Take this note to the programmers, please

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