How to install Selfless Heroes on Ubuntu – Puzzle game to learn program

Selfless Heroes is an free open source puzzles game for Windows, MacOS and Linux. In this game you need to build AI logic and solve puzzles like a game programmer.It will help to learn how to program a game logic. You can test your algorithm and optimize it.In the free version it comes with more than 63 puzzles, 5 bosses and Over 30 hours of play. Premium version also available for more level categories and additional levels. It is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence. It is really useful game for all who love solve the puzzles.


Install Selfless Heroes Puzzle game on Ubuntu:

Selfless Heroes on Ubuntu available as snap package and the native deb file format. Using this you can install it on Ubuntu easily.

Install Selfless Heroes via snap:

Open your terminal (ctrl+alt+t) app and run this Selfless Heroes snap installation command to install it on Ubuntu.

sudo snap install selflessheroes

Then enter your Ubuntu user password to confirm the installation. You can start the game by running this command on terminal.


Install Selfless Heroes via Deb:

Download Selfless Heroes:

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Download the latest version of Selfless Heroes in .deb file format and save it on your Downloads folder. Here the file name is “selflessheroes_1.1.0_amd64.deb“. You can change the below command based on your file and location. Run these command one by one in your terminal.

cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i selflessheroes_1.1.0_amd64.deb

If needed enter your Ubuntu password.

sudo apt-get install -f

Install Selfless Heroes via AppImage:

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ Selfless-Heroes-1.2.8.AppImage

That’s all. Now play the game and learn the program.

Web version also available. Play Online

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