How to install Guake Terminal On Ubuntu – Drop Down Linux Terminal

Guake is a free and open source terminal emulator for Linux. It is mainly inspired by the Quake game terminal. You can show and hide Guake terminal using a single key F12 (you can change this) or control via your panel or Top bar.It is a developer friendly terminal. It will work smoothly with the Gnome desktop environment. It comes with multi-monitor and multiple named tabs support, split terminal functionality, save your current session and restore, transparency support. If you find any file name in your terminal output, then you can open it to your favorite text editor by clicking on it. It comes with more than 130 color themes. You can set terminal background and foreground color on per tab basis. It is released under GNU General Public License v2.0.

Install Guake Terminal On Ubuntu.

You can install Guake Terminal on ubuntu via the default Ubuntu package manager. Open your terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run this command to update your software source list.

sudo apt update

If needed enter your Ubuntu user password. Then run this Guake Terminal installation command.

sudo apt install guake

Then start Guake Terminal via below command.


You can also install it with python pip package manager.

pip install --user guake

You can install pip on ubuntu via below tutorial.

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