How to Install Epson Scan for Linux

Epson Scan is a free official scanner software from Epson. You can use this app for your Epson scanners & multifunction printer. It allows to set various scanner settings with graphical user interface and save the scanned images to the various file type. It comes with USB and network connection scanner and printer support, command line support and more.

Epson Scan for Linux

Download Epson Scan for Linux

How to Install Epson Scan for Linux on Ubuntu

Download Epson Scan for Linux for Ubuntu based on your architecture 64 or 32 bit and save that file in your Downloads folder. Here the downloaded file will look line “epsonscan2-bundle-”. It will change based on version name. Now right click and extract that file. Open the extracted folder and inside you will get file.

Epson Scan for Linux installaion

Right click and Run as Program and type your Ubuntu user password. It will install Epson Scan on your Ubuntu system. After that, you can open it from the show applications menu from Ubuntu dock.

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Install Epson Scan via flatpak

Epson Scan is available as a flatpak package file from the remote flathub. If you don’t have then first install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation.

Install flatpak and flathub

Now open the terminal software using ctrl+alt+t keys and run below Epson Scan for Linux flatpak install command. It will install the latest version of Epson Scan on you system.

flatpak install flathub

After the successful installation of Epson Scan, you can open it using below command.

flatpak run

And you can also uninstall Epson Scan using below commands.

flatpak uninstall


sudo flatpak uninstall

That’s it.

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