How to install ddgr DuckDuckGo search on Ubuntu – Search DuckDuckGo from Linux Terminal

Now you can search your favorite privacy focused search engine from your linux terminal using ddgr. ddgr is a free and open source command line DuckDuckGo search tool for Linux. It comes with instant answers, custom color, do not track, HTTPS proxy and REPL support. Some other popular features are disable User Agent, DuckDuckGo Bangs, copying URLs to clipboard and browser integration. You can customize your ddgr to show the custom number of results in a page and you can filter the search by time and region. It supports custom url handler script and open first result in browser support.


Install ddgr DuckDuckGo search on Ubuntu:

You can install ddgr DuckDuckGo search tool from native ubuntu binary .deb file. snap, pip and ubuntu default package manager.

Install ddgr via Ubuntu package manager:

Open your Terminal console (ctrl+alt+t] application and run below command.

sudo apt update

Then enter your system user password. The run this ddgr DuckDuckGo search installation command.

sudo apt install ddgr

Install ddgr via deb: [Ubuntu 18.04]

Download ddgr

Download the latest ddgr DuckDuckGo search tool app .deb file from the above download link and save it to your Downloads folder. then run these commands one by one. you can change these commands based on your downloaded ddgr file name.

cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i ddgr_1.8.1-1_ubuntu18.04.amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f

Install ddgr via snap:

In your terminal app run this ddgr snap installation command.

sudo snap install ddgr

Install ddgr via pip:

For this you need to install the pip python package manager. Follow this link to install and setup in Ubuntu. Then run this command to install ddgr in Ubuntu via pip.

sudo pip install ddgr

Search DuckDuckGo Using ddgr:

You can start it by this command.


Then type your search term and enter.

Or you can directly search like this.


To open the DuckDuckGo search results in browser, just enter the search index number.

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Example if you want to open the 10th result then enter


and hit enter key.

initially it shows only top 10 results . To navigate the next 10 search results by entering


for previous page, enter


If you want to exit from ddgr press q and hit enter.


For the complete list of usage details run this command.

ddgr --help
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