How to Install DBTarzan on Ubuntu – The Database Browser

DBTarzan is a free and open source database viewer for Linux, MacOS and Windows. It is released under Apache 2.0 license. It supports Oracle, SQL Server, Derby, SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. It comes with database connections editor to add, update and remove your database connections. Some other important features are foreign keys preloading, foreign key tags, copy query and log, table information and Order by. It comes with simple and easy to use GUI.


Install DBTarzan on Ubuntu:

You can install DBTarzan via the native .deb file format and snap package.

Install DBTarzan via deb:

Download DBTarzan

Download the latest DBTarzan database browser in native .deb file format from the above download link. Downloads file name “dbtarzan_1.35_all.deb” and file location “Downloads” folder. Based on your filename and location you can change below commands.

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Open your terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run this command

sudo apt install ./Downloads/dbtarzan_1.35_all.deb

After the installation run this command to start dbtarzan on ubuntu.


Install DBTarzan via Snap:

DBTarzan is also available as a snap package. In your terminal app run this DBTarzan snap install command.

sudo snap install dbtarzan

Enter your Ubuntu user password to confirm the installation.

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