How to install Codeblocks on ubuntu 11.04

Code::Blocks is a free open source C++ IDE . Code::Blocks can be extended with plugins. Any kind of functionality can be added by installing/coding a plugin.

Main features

Multiple compiler support:GCC(MingW/GNU GCC),MSVC++,Digital Mars, Borland C++ 5.5,Open Watcom.
Syntax highlighting
Code folding for C++ and XML files
Code completion,Class Browser,Smart indent
To-do list management with different users
Full breakpoints support

Display local function symbols and arguments
Call stack
Support for parallel builds
Workspaces to combine multiple projects
Imports MSVC projects and workspaces
Imports Dev-C++ projects

To install Codeblocks on ubuntu 11.04

1.Open ubuntu software center.To open ubuntu software center click Applications icon from unity launcher. And type ubuntu software center in the search applications field.Then click ubuntu software center.

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2.Type Codeblocks in the search box.

3.Select Code::Blocks IDE and click the install button.

4.Type your ubuntu password if needed.

5.After the successful installation click Applications icon from unity launcher. And type Codeblocks in the search applications field. And click Code::Blocks IDE.

Codeblocks Homepage

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